Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Butterfly Effect...(No not the movie!)

I have come to the conclusion that for every good bit of luck we have in this life something crappy has to happen to counterbalance. Well this seems to apply to me anyway. I know a few very jammy individuals who always get it good and don't deserve it either. I am hoping  (deep down) that the universe is saving up all their bad luck to take them out in one big catastrophe. I can live in hope anyway.

On Friday when I collected the post I was amazed to find an A5 brown envelope addressed to me from the university I got into. I could not believe I had received stuff from them already considering I only got my offer two days before. Inside was a load of info from the nursing department regarding the start of the university term, when I will have to be in for orientation and hospital choices.

I will mainly be training in the big city children's hospital. But as my degree is an integrated one I have to general adult placements too. I had a choice of two hospitals in the city. The one I chose I did so purely because of travelling distance.

I am having to commute into the big city everyday to university from my rural countryside home. It will involve a car drive to the train station, an hour long train journey and then a bus to university. Although this seems drastic and a lot of hassle there is no way I can move. I am what is classed as a non traditional mature student (i.e I am old) and I have baby elephants too and I am not prepared to uproot them. Yes is going to be difficult, but I have found a fabulous childminder, have a wonderful partner willing to support me all the way, and with the kids all being in school most of the day they will only really miss out on 4 hours, maybe less, a day with me. The benefits of finally getting a qualification and being able to go out to work far outweighs the barriers I could put up.

Anyway, back to the hospital choices. When I am on placement I am going to have to drive to the big city as no trains run that early. I plan on parking my car in the tram car park avoiding having to drive into the city centre, and then get the tram into the city. It will then only be a short walk to either the children's hospital or to the general one I have chosen. The other general one on offer is near the university. Although I will be doing that journey everyday usually, it will involve another bus journey from the uni or a long walk and I would just prefer to make it easier on myself when I am going to be up at about 4am those mornings!!

So I chose which hospital I wanted and got the form back in the post to the uni straight away. The places are on a first come, first served basis, but because I am a mature student who got their offer earlier than the traditional route applicants I am hopeful I will get my first choice.

Also in the envelope was an occupational health form from the children's hospital. I have to go to my GP and get a basic medical. I also have to fill out a self declaration regarding my health and my GP has to sign it. Pretty straight forward really. I do however have to prove I have had the MMR vaccination. Now I got onto my mum about this one. I of course was a kid when I had this done and have no record of it, and I don't fancy having to go to my GP so she can rob me blind do a blood test to prove I am immune. Fingers crossed mum comes up with the proof.

So that was all good. It made it all very real, especially as the occupational health forms had pre-employment declaration written on them and I have to send them back to the hospital personnell department. I think it finally sunk in....I am going to be a nurse!!  I am still waiting on my proof of earnings to come through so I can apply for my grant. If it is not here by Monday I am calling again to get narky about it. 

But then came the bad luck.

Firstly my youngest elephant got sick. A horrible childhood illness that means he is in pain, cannot eat, is vomiting and generally feeling rubbish. He is very rarely sick and doesn't handle it well poor lad. I have been up the past two nights with him and I now resemble a tramp who has been in the same dressing gown and pyjamas for two days with hair that looks like I have had a nasty electric shock.This has now meant that trips  I had planned to do not being able to go ahead, which means the other elephants have been bored out of their minds and complaining.

To top the bad luck off nicely my car decided to give up the ghost. I took a quick trip to the shop and on my way back there was a bang and lots of grinding. I am hoping to god it is just a clutch problem. Although this will mean having to pay out stupid money to fix it at least it within my budget. If it is the gearbox I may as well forget it. I could buy a much newer car for what they would be looking for to fix it. I cannot be without a car and have no money to get a new one.

I feel a disaster waiting to happen

Eleph XxX

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