Thursday, July 8, 2010

By George she did it!!

Cue much running around, flailing arms in the arms in the air and making noises like an over stimulated monkey...


There, I have now announced it in big bold letters across the Internet so it must be true, it has to sink in, it is now part of history.

Yikes I'm going to be sick.

5.30am did not look attractive, but I know it is a sight I have to get used to. I didn't need my alarm to wake me up, my body naturally wrenched itself out of the deep sleep I was, surprising, in and after that there was no going back. I wandered down the the kitchen and got a huge glass of water to wake myself up (yes I drank it and refrained from throwing it in my face) and then trudged up to the computer. I so wished I had stayed in bed longer. The half hour wait I had till 6am was a killer.

But finally it came and when I managed to get my hands to stop shaking for long enough to type in my log in details, there in small letters,  but with rapturous volume, was my offer. At first I was confused, stupid me hadn't learnt my choice codes off by heart and it showed the code of the course I had been offered rather than it being written in plain English, so I had to trawl through to check which course I had applied for to see which one is actually was.

So this is it, I got in, as of September I will officially be a student nurse. I am thrilled. I cannot believe I made it through this awful, long, drawn out process of application and came out the other end without needing psychotic drugs  successful.

Eleph XxX

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