Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Grant me some wisedom

I finally got my earning statements today!!My daughter birth certificate came through too so they were sent away to the grant people and fingers crossed I will hear within the next couple of weeks.

It is the last thing really that I have to get sorted out now before going to Uni and it is the big one. I really hope they don't need anything else from me and that it doesn't take them forever to process it.

I rang the doctors yesterday about my blood results and I have to have the MMR vaccine!! Grr. I was kind of expecting it as I knew I hadn't had mumps or been vaccinated, but what was annoying was the fact that the measles and mumps blood test came back as untested. Apparently they have trouble testing for that and couldn't do it?? It basically means that the blood test was a waste of time as now I have to have the full vaccine anyway.

The car is again being a pain in the arse. More major work has to be done it now before I head away on holiday which is going to cost me a small fortune. Less drinking spending money to take away with us and more to be pumped into that worth piece of junk outside. I can't complain I suppose. The amount we paid for it was minimal and a few things needing doing here and there are expected.

It will probably blow up on me now, I am not allowed to be optimistic.

I found out loads info about the course this week regarding uniforms and placements. I know exactly what our uniform is going to look like (not too minging) and I also found out a rough timetable for next year.

Placements start in January and then apart from 4 weeks off in February for uni, a week off in March and two weeks for exams in May it is all placements.

I am so excited but I know how tough it is going to be be. I expected far more placements than normal as I am doing the two qualifications combined into one, and to be honest I am glad. The more time spent in actual hospitals the better as far as I am concerned.

This time in 7 weeks I will be preparing for my first day.

Eleph XxX

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