Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Creeping along

I am slowly but surely making progress in getting everything done in time for the start of school and university.

This week has been productive and I have managed to get my medical done, which included bloods being sent off to be tested for immunity to all the diseases i am at risk of catching. My new doctor was lovely and made sure I had everything sorted and filled in. I have to wait a week for the blood results to come back and hopefully I won't need any jabs done and then I can get all the health forms sent back.

I discovered from my mum that I only had a measles injection done as a child. She said the MMR wasn't around when I was a baby (how old does that make me feel) and she thinks I had my rubella done in school. I definitely had my BCG done and have the scar to prove it. So that means I have never been vaccinated against mumps. It came as quite a shock to me considering that my two youngest elephants have both been ill with it recently and I could of caught it off them and been sick at any time!!

Hopefully I have developed immunity off them and not shown any symptoms.....well can always live in hope right?

The only other vaccine I will need then is the Hep C one. The occy health department of my placement hospital should provide that so I won't have to pay silly money at the doctors to get it done. Luckily my doctor only charged me the regular fee for a consultation so I wasn't too out of pocket for the day.

I have finally sent off my grant application today though it is still incomplete. I still haven't received the statements I need through and I am raging about it. Everyone who is applying seems to be having particular trouble with this department when it comes to giving out statements. I just cannot see what takes so long. I couldn't wait any longer though before putting the forms in.

In a few weeks time all the traditional route offers will be out and then every local authority grant office will be flooded with applications. I need mine sorted straight away as I cannot afford the student registration fees that need to be paid in September. We need proof of our grant to be able to register with the university and not have to pay that money out of our own pocket. If we don't have proof we have to cough up and then get it reimbursed to us whenever the local authority see fit. Usually months after the fact!!

I also got my cheque for the little elephants school stuff so we went out today and got all their uniforms and school books sorted. They still need shoes but that is pretty easy to do. I say that but in all honestly shoes are usually the biggest problem when it comes to back to school. Especially in my eldest daughters case. They have to be exactly to her specifications or else there is a sulk. She doesn't always know what these specifications are though before we head to the shops, so as you can imagine things turn ugly.

I just hope these stupid statements come before I have to go away in August. We won't be back till towards the end of August and I just cannot leave it till then to get them sent in. My grant will be very late then and god knows what will happen.

Arrrrggggh so frustrating!!

Eleph XxX

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