Monday, July 5, 2010

Where art thou Mr Postman??

One of the biggest downfalls of becoming a student definitely has to be the paper work that comes along with it.

Now after years of working in admin I have a kind of unhealthy obsession with form filling and the like. I enjoy knowing exactly how processes work and making sure all the right boxes are ticked and the procedures followed.

During this entire process I have made sure I am one step ahead in knowing what is going on and that I am ready to go the next step fully prepared and armed to the hilt with all the right info. I have even passed all this onto others on various forums where other wannabee students (who don't know how to use google) ask the same questions over and over again, and I provide this with glee and satisfaction.

The biggest annoyance though is having to rely on the competence of other administrators who are clearly getting paid far too well to take enormous breaks and sit on their hands (and arses) all day and not do their jobs before leaving way to early!!

All I need is a simple piece of paper stating how much money I earned in a certain period. A statement showing my name, address and a figure of yearly income with a breakdown of what this figure is made up of.

Simple huh?

Apparently not so. Why oh why would it take over 3 weeks for this piece of information to be sent out? How much time does it take to bring up my file, put the dates into the drop down box and press print???!!!!

It must be beyond the scope of a regular civil servant and they are obviously waiting on a highly skilled, professional trained, MI5 agent to come crack the code needed to produce this document!!!

The longer I wait for this the closer I get to having to wait months for my grant application the then be processed. It is already a well known fact that grant applications disappear into the local authority black hole for months at a time only to emerge worse for wear at the other end. The quicker I get this application in before the masses decide to do the same the better. 

I have everything else sorted but this one bloody piece of paper and there is nothing I can do to make it come any faster.


Eleph XxX

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